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Friday, 26 March 2010

Tak 135 test shots

Was excited to test out my second takumar lens... took the 135mm f3.5 out with me to Tropicana City Mall because Canon was offering free cleaning service.

While I was there took the opportunity to take a few shots... First thing to test was the DOF and sharpness wide open...

hmm not that sharp but nice enough bokeh....

and much easier to focus than the Tak 50mm f1.4...

Funniest thing was while I was attaching the lens, a Canon repairman was looking at the lens...He was probably bewildered... "Canon doesn't make such small and long lenses?... ". After closer inspection he just smile and nodded... guess he's seen the Takumars before...

Maybe it's because I have not gotten used to it yet or perhaps it's the focal length but somehow I prefer the 50.... I get nicer bokeh and closer focusing... like these shots (ironically from Nikon centre in BTS)

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