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Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Tuning Pro

 This weekend was packed but a little disappointing
First of all Heartcrusher Crew was separated due to work schedules 
and even then when we attended events it was kind of disappointing

One such disappointment was the Tuners Fest held in conjunction with MMER
It would have been better if we could have gotten media passes for MMER
but we had to make do... and we also arrived a little late for the event
because we were held up at the Miss Hypertune Semifinals

Anyway, Tuners Fest was advertised as a 
"large-scale event is to bring Malaysian’s car enthusiast,
car club members and party-goers together at one time!"
I'm not sure if any of that was true based on Saturday night's visit.

Did not see anything large...
and you must be enthusiastic to the point of fetish to luv the cars
(these are the ones that caught my eyes)
I was more interested in the bicycles heh...
and the emblems for the cars...
Not sure if most ppl would appreciate the car girls
esp. since no famous names

and as for the show I wasn't very entertained...
even the guest star Mizz Nina.. I have never heard of her b4
as for the race, it was loud...
I quite liked the experience,
but of course a media pass would have been better :)
hint hint anyone out there?

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