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Thursday, 16 September 2010

A MASIF Malaysia Day

 Happy Malaysia Day every Malaysian everywhere...
Tell me that you don't find this day as ridiculous as me?
Other than it being another National holiday, who can tell me what is there to celebrate?...
Of course our PM and former PM seem to support this celebration..
 I got to witness this as well as the landfill of bullshit regarding unity and equal opportunity land we call Malaysia from the speeches at the MASIF festival held at Pavillion yesterday....

I'm sure the ideals of these platitudes are great... but if anyone could wholeheartedly believe those things must surely be talking about a different country right?...
but then again I am one to talk... didn't really care about the speeches nor their political motives...
went there to see what was happening especially the fashion show...

and boy did they have a good line up of models, former beauty queens and artists..
after all isn't that what MASIF is about anyway?...
International Festival..
 The opening was pretty promising with a good introduction of Music, Art and Style...
from well known local singers to painters and fashion designers... it totally fits the bill...

I was pretty impressed with some of the former beauty queens as they still managed to retain their composure and confidence at their advancing ages... After all isn't that what is most attractive about them anyway?
A bit disappointed though as I expected more from the festival...

even the last minute cancellation of the Street Cars competition was a damper on my enthusiasm... but looks like I'll be returning again tonight since my initial plan to go for the Carnival Expo Malaysia fell through...

so gonna miss the fireworks but guess I'll drop by on Sunday and see if there's any hoohaa...
Anyways, whatever today means to you...
have a good one!

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