
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Thursday, 13 January 2011

I got HEXed...

A few days ago I gave a sneak preview of my weekend at HEX club for the VOGUE Supermodel Search Preview 2.. honestly it's not as classy as it sounds but it certainly was full of beauties... but guess that would be up for you to judge...

speaking of which, one of the judges was our very own Amber Chia

however I feel for the ever lovely Sarah
as she really worked hard to get the crowd going
but Malaysians are kinda passive
But getting to the purpose of the event..
the ladies....
 Unfortunately at this point, my camera started showing an error sign
No matter what I did, it says 
"check the connection between your lens and camera"
and after 10 minutes of fiddling around, and conceding,
I began packing... then deciding to give it one last go...
and it WORKED!!?
in the end found out that switchin the flash on and off
solved the problem 
(not that I actually figured out what that problem was)
just in time for the swimwear portion
this is 18SX
so those under 18 avert your eyes
(right... like that has ever worked)
And last but not least the night ended with the formal wear
After getting an eyeful of beauties,
it was time to check the photos
and spin some wheels for 4D no's...
before the ladies came out one last time
and awaited the announcement
for their names as winners
for all the subsidiary prizes
At the end of the night three were given out all in all...
Now all that is left is for the finals on the 21st of January...
see you there?

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