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Monday, 22 August 2011

I want the galaxy!

I've been awaiting the advent of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (actually the 8.9)
for a very long time.... and yesterday I got to give it a test run
and I was instantly disappointed...
It was a great tablet... but due to my expectations I was greatly let down
First of all it was missing all the things I loved about my Galaxy Tab
It's portable, external storage slot available, and is a phone!
portability was of course limited due to the bigger size even though thinner.
It's sad to me to see that the designers were aiming to challenge Apple 
instead of pioneering their own path... sad sad

but there may be hope.. it seems that the 8.9 has an external storage slot...
so there may be hope after all...
I may yet see the Tab uprgaded to a duo core, honeycomb and better screen..
I must say thought the Wi-Fi was indeed faster 
while the satellite seem to lock faster too
So as a competitor to iPad.. not bad
for me.. BAD!

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