
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Monday, 31 October 2011

Just a test

What do you see in this photo?

Bad lighting aside, I'd suspect that 90% of you would be looking at the girl in the centre
Most explanation by photography would tell you that most times putting an object in the middle of the photo,
tends to not work because our eyes tend to be draw away from the centre...

"Studies have shown that when viewing images that people’s eyes usually go 
to one of the intersection points most naturally rather than the center of the shot" 

now look again, do you see the man who is correctly lit and in focus...? I know he's not along the points of the rules of third either... but why not notice him?

So why this rant...?
These past few months I feel irritated when people refer to me as a girl shooter..
not I don't shoot girls but usually it is because it is part of an event...
My conclusion... most people see what they want to see...
despite the fact that I shoot loads of events, objects, macro, landscape,....
what most people see is only girls... why? I don't know...

in fact it's odd because in the past year I've had less and less inclination to shoot girls at events
especially if it's a camera or car show
maybe it is because I'm weak in portraiture... or maybe my interest is just taking the events in...
whatever the reason, am I a girl shooter?...

only when I shoot girls as part of an event or if ever I do portraiture...
but those far and few seem to be more of an outing than for shooting to me


  1. I see a blue thingy ma bop...

  2. cheh that's cuz u staring elsewhere...
    din even know got blue thingy....


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