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Friday, 2 March 2012

Putting in the Moto

When you think MotoXpo,
what's the first thing that comes to mind?

Motorola? X?... the po po?...
Apparently it is suppose to be all about the motors...

but of course you could never tell
from all the photos circulating online..
something like this...

No mistake theses ladies are definitely easy on the eyes...
but being the misfit that I am...
I paid the RM8.. just to catch this...

  It was kind of hard to catch most of the action with all the crowds blocking the way
but it was still an entertaining show none the less

 the revving of the engine and the burning of the tyres
really got the crowds going
I don't understand one thing...
is it just because he's a foreigner
that he can get away with doing this...

or even this...
was surprised that there wasn't a big hoohaa
as it was a Malay girl (unlike KLIMs)
pretty girls, hot machines, life threatening stunts
what else could a hot blooded man ask for?

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