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Friday, 13 April 2012

Fashionably Early

It is that time of the year

When every shopping mall
gears up to show off what they've got
So much that a day is not enough to show it all...
each trying to prove that their fashion rocks harder than the next
And the crowds just take it all in stride
as they arm themselves with their bags (and their credit cards)
 take out their big lenses
or any device on hand will do
 to see what they may like...
to stand out in the crowd
or better... 
be seen with a celebrity
 whilst the week (more correctly a 10 day week)
will be about the clothes
and accessories
with all the big names and brands 
 all on show for anyone to see
Every show will try to outdo each other
with the dazzling lights
and loud sounds 
 with the aim to be bigger and better 
and I'm sure celebrities will be abounding
and plentiful 
whether you recognise them or not 
they will take to the stage with models
 and beauty queens
 all to the applause of the public 
 trying to look as good as they step on to the walkway
as when they step off

In the next few days,
all Malaysia social networks will be bombarded
with images of pretty men and women
in outstanding and sometimes outrages attires...
so be prepared! Fashion week is here..

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