
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Sunday, 16 September 2012


Over the past two months..
I had the pleasure (and sometimes odious task)
of covering the activities that climaxed with the finale last night...

It was a beautiful event..
where beautiful shone and strutted their stuff
and in the end crowned a winner
and her partner in representing Malaysia
in X top Model Search Asia come end of the year...

It has been a difficult journey,
mostly for the contestants and the organisers,
as well as for me...
because it was difficult not showing bias over favourites...
especially when each had such beautiful diamonds beneath those rough's...

however I must admit that from the moment I saw her in person,
I couldn't help but be smitten by the weaver of words
I would love to say that it was only her oratory skills that caught my attention

but I am but a hot blooded man

Next to catch my attention was of course
the outstanding Tuti...
 honestly what caught my attention was her hair...
any one who can pull off an undercut,
certainly oozes self confidence and self discovery to me...
which is why I'm glad that at the end of the day,
she came out on top

And the next winner,
the Stupendous Angelica....
She may look like one... but far from an angel...
she's way too naughty... but in a good playful way
All these years,
I've always thought her to be so prim and proper
and that she can be on stage...
but I'm blessed to see her youthfulness and joy
But her professionalism, hard work and perseverence
earned her the opportunity to represent Malaysia
and she will do us proud 

The one that showed her true stuff
and most obvious growth was the youthful Vier
and the amazing transformation... 
 beyond just the haircut,
that I bet she even amazed herself
she can walk tall and proud
that she showed her stuff
and gained supporters along the way
I can only imagine the places she will go in the years to come

I was sad that I only got to know Mariah better 
towards the end of the competition,
I noticed her initially at the first road show 
the things that made her stand out,
I believe many have not seen on the stage...
the unusual freckles (for an asian)
and her joy and laughter
but she certainly can pull off the serious on stage
I certainly wish this big sister the best in her future...
I envy the man that makes her happy :)

I must admit that Amanda is quite an enigma to me..
maybe it is the fact that she is a morning person...
or that it is rare to meet some one this friendly
and I am glad that she constantly welcomes me with a smile

Last but by far not least
the one I should identify the most with, Chelsea,
It must be daunting though
as she is always the first one up
yet I never heard any complains
not even a groan...
here is wishing her all the best 
regardless of the country she's in

Phew that was quite a mouthful...
and I haven't even begun ranting about X Top Model Search...
Maybe something best left for future installments

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