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Sunday, 9 June 2013

Padang Besar, Thailand: Places to Stay

*Extracted from the Padang Besar post*
As for places to stay here, I recommend one of two hotels. 
They are both a little run down, but still operational, are Hotel Satit, and Royal Inn. 

My first choice is Hotel Satit as the rooms have heated water and air cond. 
I preferred the rooms in Royal Inn but encountered more problems with the bathrooms. Anyhow for the price of 380 baht or 350 baht, they’re both quite a steal. 

Hotel Satit
air cond: YES
fridge: YES (a bit run down)
wifi: NO

There is also the Berlin hotel 
but I do not recommend as it is located right next to the disco
and seems to have a noise problem 
which I have yet to experience at Satit even though it is also next door. 
*updated  9 June 2013*
Recently tried out another place in Padang...
J. J. Hotel... found just down the road from the two hotels...
biggest pro for this hotel is that it is clean, and has wifi
though it is a little weak at certain places in the hotel...
 air cond room goes for 350 baht
and a fan room goes for 250 baht
 a big con for the hotel is that it has no fridge, and lack of power plugs
but those are quite easily overlooked cons

J. J. Hotel
TV: A FEW CHANNELS (so-so reception)
air cond: YES
fridge: NO
wifi: OK

 For the picky travelers, 
I guess that the Padang Central Hotel may be more suited to your taste. 
It was certainly not to mine, and I didn’t find it worth the extra 200 baht or so. 
*Padang Central Hotel is no longer operational* (updated 9th June 2013)
though I am told that there is a new resort opened in Padang 

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