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Sunday, 6 October 2013

Does Fire Work?

 It's been so long since I've got to shoot fireworks..
I'm so rusty that I worried that it would have been a total failure
 I can't say it was total...
but pretty much still a failure in my opinion
First of all I could not find a good location... 
so just set up any where I could...
with lights on it looks ok....

but once they offed the lights...
not as pretty...
and worse still
the smoke ruined the sights...
and blocked the fireworks
at the rare moments when it was clear enough it was a good sight...
but I didn't like the red theme they had going...
lack of colours from the UAE theme was a bit disappointing
All in all it was good practise...
have to wait for another chance...
in the mean time I guess have to stick to still life

*click on the photos to enlarge*

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