
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Sentuh Sentul

It is strange how people and opinions can change quickly....
I used to look down on all the point and shoots, and bridge cams...
I thought that I could never shoot without the feel of the camera in my hands...
the beefier the more comfortable I was....

but many things,
including discovering the Fujifilm camera's...
are tempting me to change....
the fact that I love cameras because it can capture moments.. 
but a dSLR though can supply me the photos I may want...
it may never capture the moments...
why? because people get uncomfortable around big cameras...
and it only makes sense to take lighter gear when travelling...

And street photography...
is it not nicer to be a fly on the wall?..
capture life as it is... not as we want to see it?
this came more obvious as I recently joined a photowalk in Sentul
It was hard to be inconspicuous
especially when we travel in a huge pack
I don't know about most people,
but still life for me is easier...
no time limitation,
and all that matters is timing and creativity

but when it comes to capturing people in their element
more often than not
I get lots of stares...

I'm just not thick faced enough to pretend that this is normal...
but I so love the life that photos can potentially capture
to record every day life as it is
not as we wish it to be

for now, All I can do is...
is keep trying and walk on

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