
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Day 4: Kuala Terengganu

There's no time in a room without windows...

That's what I came to realise when I awoke this morning thinking it was 7 or 8-ish...
of course that was nothing close to the 11+ it actually was...

I must have been so bushed from walking around the entire city looking for an affordable accomodation.. Sadly the best price I could get was RM60 for some dodgy looking guesthouse...
I settled for RM70 room with air cond, tv and a water heater...

In the 2 hour tour of the city I managed to notice this amusement park by the seaside...
It would have been nice if I had managed to return there at night...
And the oddest realisation is that there is like an unending amount of graveyards here...
Some parts of it caught my attention....
ruins amongst graveyards?
I liked the overrun look... and the green amongst these stones...
shows life can grow out of ruins

While in the bus this also caught my attention...
I later found out this is a replica of a "batu bersurat" (stone tablets?) kept in the state museum
As for those who are curious as to the Chinatown here...
don't waste your time...
this is all there is to it

Now that we've had a look around the city.. let's see what else this town has to offer.

This is a long post... but it's nothing compared the length of the adventure

I decided to check out the Crystal Mosque in the Islamic Civilisation Park first...
After looking at the town bus schedule... (what?!? only 3 buses a day?)
but doesn't the bus look so cute?
oh look at the time... 2.40 P.M.. just in time... I think I'll wait...

half an hour later... Still waiting....

GeeZ... Malaysian timing... never mind... 
since I can see it on the horizon, I'll just walk in that direction first...
When the bus passes by I'll catch it then..

Oh look a bridge to the other side... think I'll walk here...
What? that's the Terengganu river?...
oh well... walk on...
hey... there it is...
HEEEEyyy.... waitaminute... I'm going on the road side...
DAMMIT..... never mind I'll just stop and look at these interesting flowers...
and it all comes from this fruits?... nice...
time to keep on walking...
hey, what's that in front of the mosque?
it's a cupboard?.. no...? a shelf?.. no...
hey there mr cobbler... mind posing for me?...
such a nice fella... and a perfect example of small in stature but big in character...
maybe it's not so bad walking after all...
Oh look... a sign.. I must be getting near...
Hmm a market...
this looks interesting..
may be I'll stop by on my way back...
walk walk walk....
hey a Lekor Losong stall?...
there's another one..
what's the big deal with this Lekor Losong? that special?... 
maybe on the way back...
hmmm am I still in Losong? but it's been half an hour since I entered Losong?

Finally the state museum.. I'll check out that Batu Bersurat a lil later...
oh 1.4 km to go... hmm it's 4:30 p.m.? that can't be too far more...

*phew* that took longer than expected..
but I finally see the archway... that must be a good sign
*hopes is rising*
the entrance... FINALLY!
YES I feel so welcomed!
oh hi mr lorry man.. I'll see you inside...
hey wait.... why am I still walking after 5 minutes...
I thought I was there already?!?

am I really there yet?..
oh hi again mr lorry man..
what's that mr lorry man?... you called that fast?!?... Geez....

Oh look there's the entrance to the Monument Park... may be later
Is this the Crystal Mosque...? where's the crystals?...
oh this is the function halls?... okie.. moving on...
What's the time?.... 5:10 P.M.?? and the bus comes at 5:20?!? aiks...
better give a quick look through
hmmm doesn't seem to shine... do they ever polish it?
stupid railing ruined my shot... nm.. keep moving...
yea.. it would be nice to do portraits and pre-weddings here...
if you could get here...
nice roof... check
nice hallways... check
nice outer court.... check
rush rush rush...
What's that?!? I missed the bus?!?...
does that mean I need to walk another 2 hours???
thanks for nothing mr worker... at least call a cab or something...
collapses for an hour....

okay.. I think there's some feeling returning to my legs...
walk walk walk...
hmmm what happens if I walk through here...
HEEEeeyyyy... I just save myself like 15 minutes of walking... Geez..

Hey what happened to all the roadside stalls?...
the market also closed already?.. why am I not surprised..

walk walk... looks like rain...
I think I'll stop here and eat first...
what? no nasi dagang... what's that nasi minyak? It'll have to do
Okay... my energy's recharged....
time to finish the last leg of today's marathon b4 I pass out on my bed
Oh great... where did I make the wrong turning..?
Oh man.. It's begining to rain... nm I'm almost there...
20 minutes later, I buy some comfort food, ignored the hints from the shop lady and lay on my bed...
Finally this day can end...
If getting around is this hard... who gives two sheetz about the floating mosque...
I can always see it in photographs...

Good night world!

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