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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Day 7: Siti Khadijah Market, Kota Bharu

here's lookin at you kid

Siti Khadijah Market (KB new Market)
This is a great place for photography.. proven by the fact that I bumped into two other groups
(looked local) busy snapping away.. The place is full of colours 
and activity of a local market...

and famed to be the most photographed market in M'sia
Like other markets they sell meat, 
and vegetables...
but the upper floors (yes! it is 3 storeys high) sell other daily accesories but too dark to photograph
but I would say the experience isn't all that great as the women working there complain about the activity...
 I can understand with the narrow walkways and the fact they want to do business
but don't have to chop off my head about it...
All in all it's fine for a once off experience.. but nothing out of the unusual if you ask me

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