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Wednesday, 6 March 2019

QC Manila

Quezon City (pronounced Kee-sawn) the capital of Manila,...
or at least that's what one mayor tried to make it long time ago.

now I am not one for history... even though Philippines is rich in history.
But I am sure there must be a lot of stories behind the development of Q.C.
It is interesting to see the development and how some places are so city like...
while other areas are so provincial it looks like a different world.

I must say that in terms of Manila, Q.C. is probably one of my favourite areas.
It is convenient,
has a lot of character,
and is relatively clean,
every once in a while you stumble across something unusual.

My first exposure of the place was after a trip to Cebu...
had a short stay before I was off to my next destination.
I was fortunate to get an Airbnb that was so conveniently located.
from the balcony you could see the busy main road but be so far away that you don't hear the traffic.

and as you look out, you can see the construction going on
amidst the low buildings already in place.
It is kind of peaceful being above it all seeing the cars go by
amongst all the chaos, it was serene being outside looking in.
Best thing about the location were all the malls nearby.
Didn't even know there were so many in such a close proximity.

The Next time I was in Q.C. I chose to stay in another area
It was a big change. The area was filled with houses and apartments...
interspersed with commercial buildings.

The funniest thing about the area was the Big Brother house.
It was just around the time I found out about the Pinoy Big Brother

This was of course due to Wil Dasovich and Coraleen Waddell being added into the house.
(my favourite youtube video was of them running around Manila.. coincidentallyn to Q.C.)

The area I was in had relatively no night life...
Everything was dark at night... which made areas with light pop out more..
Like the odd castle like hotel nearby...

I was curious enough that I even did a quick walk through

There was some historical significance to the place...
but I don't know what it is... I got bored after the first few paragraphs.

So would I recommend anyone to visit Q.C.?
not really... but there are some interesting things to stumble across
and I would definitely be interested to return again just to get lost in the concrete jungle.

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