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Thursday, 26 September 2019

Cebu: Out to See Boo

Cebu, the pearl of the south.
Even before stepping into the city, I've heard much about Cebu

even though Cebu is known for its beautiful beaches... those are far from the city...

When I landed in Cebu I was disorientated at first...
The place was a bustling city but retains its history.

My online research pointed to Colon Street as a good place to stay for cheaper rooms 
as well as near the tourist spots.
It was a bit more underdeveloped than I had expected...
but I kinda liked the vibe of the place.
It was unusual for me...
seeing fast food restaurants in really old buildings...
and the more I visit,
the more I see the many sides of Cebu City
be it day
or night

I've been to the dark sides

I've seen its bright lights


I've sat through jams
and wheezed through emptry streets
I've stumbled across festivals and shopping malls

eaten at newer places
as well as its traditional

amongst all the development and riches
are those just trying to get by

So why do I keep coming back?
I guess it's that stark contrast and the fine balance it has maintained
that pulls at my mind and adventurous heart

It helps that beautiful locations are just a bus ride away...

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