
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Bad Good Friday.. strikes twice

Usually it's Friday the 13th that's known to be bad luck....
Good Friday is usually known to rain...
but for me it's the cross of the two...
Good Friday brings bad luck and continues til Sunday!

It all starts with this note from Pos Laju
I thought it was joyous news as it meant the Teleconverter I've been waiting for is finally here.
The bad news was that because heartcrusher crew wanted to take the F1 trial runs at 10 a.m. in Sepang International Circuit and the post office in Kota Damansara only opens at 10 a.m., means two things:
1. I cannot join the crew to SIC and miss the f1 trial run
2. I'll have to drive myself

So off I went to Kota Damansara and I came back with this baby.
And I must have been so preoccupied with the contents of the box that I took many wrong turnings and took an hour to reach SIC.
And of course after all that the first thing I did was open the box...! but more on that later... (Here's a preview though)
After walking around SIC, about nearly 4 p.m., I decided to seat and wait for the F1 cars to take to the track... and lo and behold my luck holds... when the rain comes pouring down.. delaying the race.

So while awaiting a reprieve I decided to test out my Takumar 300 f4 before adding my TC. Earlier that day I managed to solve one problem already thanks to aerikke... (again to be elaborated later)...
Then I discovered another issue... no matter what f-stop I used the image looked as below, even when focused to a far object and turned to infinity.
I quickly decided to test with my 50mm f1.4 to find out if it is the lens or the adapter.
To my grieve and relief it was the adapters... never noticed it b4 because of the shorter focal range, and stopped down, the image looks clear enough at infinity.. but now I realise that the adapter is too thick... :( and after all the trouble with the TC and the driving.

After all the exasperation, I decided to sit down and rest..
Then comes another surprise... I noticed something different when I looked down...
It's a hole big enough in the middle of my pants for mr. ducky to stick his head through!
Why this is bad is cuz with all the squatting I did, I'm pretty sure I flashed quite a few of the guests and probably a few models too... *sigh*. At least there was no other bird sticking out of the hole (other than mr ducky that is...)
After all that I gave up on waiting for the F1 cars as it was already 5 p.m. and the kids were lining up for pit walk... so guessed that I won't be able to go for the function in GSC if I left any later... so off I went...

You'd think that things could only get better but you'd be wrong.
Noticing that the fuel gauge indicates that I was driving on reserve, I was concerned about getting home. In the past I've managed to go far distances on my reserve and hoped that it would hold true this time. Worse thing was I only passed one gas station on the way and that I only noticed after passing the entrance to the rest stop. So as you can tell, I obviously ran out of fuel. Thank God I was only 1 k.m. from the next petrol station. So after walking (with my gear of course). With my luck, the petrol kiosk was across the highway. But after walking in 2 k.m. of damp ground, I managed to return with my bottles to see that the nice highway management party put up nice cones for the car (would have preferred another form of help though) but with my two empty 600 ml bottles, I managed to fill up the thank albeit the irritating big lorries that rock the car thanks to Bernoulli's principle.
If only the bad luck ended there... but noooo.... Saturday brought about a DBKL parking fine.
Easter Sunday brings about the auto dismantling of my Takumar 300mm.... how this happens still puzzles me... I was trying to shoot some turtles in Centre Point Bandar Utama when suddenly the front element started being loose...
After getting home I tried for over 2 hours with google searches and trial and errors but for some reason this threaded part on the focusing ring...
will not screw onto this part of the front element...
Why? because it just turns round and round instead of screwing in...
ah SCREW it... *sigh*....
it is still left unresolved til this very hour :(
anyone knows how to resolve this?
Here's hoping and praying....

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