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Tuesday, 31 August 2010

My Grave Merdeka

Been meaning to survey and photograph this particular graveyard for some time.

So why on Merdeka day of all days in the year?
Maybe because this year, this day reminds me that this country seems to be going from the dogs to the pits...

Anyway, call me morbid but I quite like the designs and "architecture".
Was I afraid?...
only that I may be disrespectful to the families if ter-step wrong or worse still ter-fall into an empty lot.
thankfully neither happened...

I arrived later than I expected and wondered why there were ppl hanging out there... 
but progressed to walk around anyway.. 
it was a slow moving
but quite interesting in my opinion
and I didn't know that ppl reserved places on graveyards...?
and not sure why this was coloured... 
sadly some stones are damaged
but was nice to know that some people still remember their loved ones
what worried me was some graves didn't have tombstones... 
wasn't sure where to step
one down... who knows how many more to go
hey! you can see the KL tower from here
barely begun when the sun began setting...
I bet if I spent all day here it still wouldn't been enough
so this means I'll be back for more... 
but next time with long pants... and macro gear... 
got many odd insect bites... I'm sure they'd look good in photos :D

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