
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Sunday, 19 September 2010

My bad turned out good

Today started out bad.....
got up early to join a last minute addition to an outing with photomalaysia
it started out find, meeting them in Kota Kemuning,
The problem started when they proceeded by convoy to the targeted train track in Klang...
I'm not sure if it's a universal thing or limited to Malaysia... but I've come to realise that Malaysians do not generally know convoy etiquette...
one of them being looking out for other members in the convoy and the other to not speed and lose members of the convoy... with unfortunately did not favour me.. 
So in the end I returned home after being outrunned and left aimless

In order to not waste the day, I decided to go for the 2nd KL-PJ Weddin Fair in MVEC, Mid Valley.
Unfortunately, they changed the timetable so that the supposed fashion show was replaced by some beauty treatment presentation...
 More wasted time and petrol....
Thank goodness I had my dog to come back to.. :)

*Phew*.. after all that I did not expect much from the night... actually I've just returned from Henessey Artistry party in Mist Club, bangsar, courtesy of FHM. It was slow to pickup but IMO turned out better than the first in Opera, mostly due to the livelier crowd.
And in the spirit of Henessey Artistry, it had it all,
VIP treatments,
and activities

haven't really looked through... will post more when I get the time...
for now it's time to put an end to a bad day that got better...

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