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Friday, 17 December 2010

Hatyai Part 5: I finally did it

I cautiously approached the counter at the entrance...
nervously, I asked about their services and prices...
quickly I made my choice and was led to a room at the back...
there awaiting me was a bed that looked clean enough
but I didn't want to think about the sweaty individuals who may have layed down before me...
Having never done this before, I anxiously stripped down and waited on the bed...
My nerves must have been showing as she entered the room, she tried calming me with some chatter..
It seemed to help...

Soon I was on my back, she spread my legs, position herself right down the middle..
She slowly started inching upwards, pacing her movement...
IT was obvious she knew what she was doing.
With every touch I could myself tensing and relaxing at the same time...
At times it seemed like my blood drained from the rest of my body as it rushed to my lower extremedies
This was good... very good.
now I know why people pay for this service.
I never wanted it to end
I closed my eyes to focus on every touch, every sensation
Who knew such positions were even humanly possible?
But like all good things, it had to come to an end...

There it was.. more than 2 hours of skin on skin, sweat, oil and all...
I don't know why it took me 30 years.. but I was no longer a virgin..
After all this country which I have visited many times before was famous for it...
Yes you probably guessed it...
I finally had my first massage... a Thai one at that (not like I know the difference)

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