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Sunday, 16 January 2011

Am berOverdosed

Hmm I just realised that I've seen Amber Chia three times this week...
It's not like a great achievement or anything... just unusual I guess...

It's so hard to imagine that she's a new mother... She's in such great shape...
As much as she is probably one of the best things to come out of Malaysia in a while,
I love the fact that she seems pretty down to earth and friendly...
And even as Douglas Lim sings, she's everywhere...
it seems like no matter where you look, she's got her hand in it...
but it seems like Malaysians have yet to get enough of her
wonder if she ever takes a rest
but guess she's one of those that can't stay still for long?
or maybe she is just smart enough to take advantage of her 15 minutes
whatever it is...
I'm sure I'll see her a few more times before the year is done...
at least I'm not one of those that religiously follow her around :)

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