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Saturday, 15 January 2011

Your Next Door Neighbour?

*Warning* photo heavy post ahead*
It's that time of the year...
when FHM crown's it's Girl Next Door
I've been attending the FHM GND parties since 2009,
and last year when it was held at MOS Euphoria for the first time
This year it was again held at MOS Euphoria,
as soon as I checked in my ticket, collected my goody bag,
I stepped up and was greeted by a friendly face..
no that's not the one... 
haven't seen him since last year at Bon Odori
was nice to see a familiar face especially since I went on my lonesome
Well the walk in was accompanied by all the GND finalists
This year, the organisers have improved it a few ways
first was the implementation of dating and marking the wristbands
and secondly was the cording off for media and judges
it sucked for the non media like me but better for the media
From my experience, the event usually starts late..
which means my plan to arrive an hour late worked in my favour 
almost as soon as I found a place to stand
out comes the opening act...
Mizz Nina
followed by the host accompanied by FHM's GND 2010
the door soon opened
revealing the girls (who never seem to live next door to me)...
and of course starting with the usual Q&A session
followed by a fashion show by the girls
It's amazing that I got any photo in focus
as I was manual focusing... not by choice...
but even then some interesting results came out
like the movement photo below (notice the face is actually sharp)
or this one... I liked how it kinda came out lomo like
As the girls prepared for the next portion,
out came the next act to charm the crowd
but what came out next was what got the crowd all hot and bothered
for those under 21, you are advised to skip this portion
(as if that ever works... 
but then again u lil boys probably see more provocative things online anyway)
 was surprised that the ladies got down
 and somewhat dirty
 bumping and grinding
provoking something primeval within
 and when they finished
left me wondering if I should take a shower...
Anyways while cooling off,
there were more acts
and a whole lot of name calling
but in the end the prizes were given away
and it was awards time
all thanks to
the contribution of the judges
soon the subsidiary prizes were awarded
and the time had finally arrived to announce FHM's GND 2011
the girls anxiously awaited the results
and I'm always glad to see how the girls react 
when they hear someone else's name
that is showing poise and grace...

Well all in all it was an alright night... dropped by just to have a look see but it was entertaining enough to keep me throughout the 2 hours... anyways all I can say is all the best to Ms Esther Tan, FHM's GND 2011

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