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Thursday, 7 April 2011

suckiest movie...

ticket, EVAR

I was very sure I paid for the ticket via Debit card
so why did they give me so much sh*t?
first they were going to print the tickets...
then it didn't come out...
trying again, they cannot find the booking...
Debit card number, account no.. all also cannot
then supervisor come.. try try try...
then come out tell me Debit card cannot be used wan...
and yet they took my money meh...
in the end after half an hour,
still no tickets, in its place a handwritten note...
wow... how professional...
worst of all I didn't like the ending of the movie... 


  1. adoi airen. adoi.
    wat movie was this??

  2. don't go breaking my heart...
    guess gsc didn't listen to the advice nor did the movie... :(


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