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Saturday, 10 September 2011

Don't Toy with me

 Ever since my first taste of the Malaysia International Toy Fair last year,
I've been expecting something bigger and better
After all I'm just a big boy in a old mans body,
And with an entry fee of RM3 I would be right to expect for something more

Unfortunately I would be greatly disappointed.
It seems like there is more online game stalls 
and less toys than last year
in fact my friends impression is that this is even smaller than last year

In order to make my money's worth 
I took a good tour of the place
In spite of the disappointment there were some highlights
first of all from this festive stall
 came this little ray of sunshine...
 yes it is this flying fish!
who knew that they floated more than flew
and they even had this bird sized moth flying thingamajig

And what toy fair is complete without...
 but it was kind of disappointing to photograph 
 but the owner of the stall was indeed enthusiastic 
especially while promoting its merits 
 and the specially local themed cars

Perhaps growing up as a comic geek

 I've always been partial to comic characters
and explains my disappointment at most movie adaptions
and I was pleased with characters from Robotech

(or more aptly Macross)

and X-men...

but mostly busty babes

 and dudes with big guns

 And thankfully they had more than movie adaption transformers
 but the classic transformers
and my fave growing up...
Hot Rod...

last years discovery, deweys...
but even with more variety of models
some how it has lost its lustre 
 maybe it's the lack of glass showcases
or maybe I found last years characters more intricate and interesting

what event would be complete without the angry birds
 and the upcoming androids!


overall it was worth the RM3,


but do not expect too much


unless u are the typical girl hunter
then there are enough eye candy to keep you satisfied

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