
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Monday, 27 February 2012

Egg out of Tree

or better known as the disappointing Sunday

Yesterday, as with any weekend,
was full of plans and hopes,
but as it is with hope,
sometimes we get disappointed, and have to rearrange our expectation

The day started out at 8:00 a.m.
with a Charity photoshoot in Lake Gardens
I was already disappointed that the original plan
to shoot in Publika fell through,
but I decided to be optimistic about the new plan and hope for the best
In recent times, I have rarely paid for photoshoots,
as I usually reserve that funds for travelling or covering my cost of living,
however knowing the price and the intended purpose,
I decided to join...
and of course it is never out of pure charity,
but a ulterior motive
I was hoping to photoshoot with one of the listed models,
and after arriving I set my eyes on another as well,
also in that list, was a friend whom I recently met,
and I would gladly shoot with a friend..

However as things turned out,
I got to shoot none of them...
In fact I only got to shoot one of the six girls!
I blame it on abiding to social rules
and messy organisation
Most groups I think shot only 3 girls at most
So sadly my hopes for this was dashed

After that I went to MotoXpo (pronounced Moto Expo) in PWTC
I was already prepared for a mediocre event to say the least
was hoping to just cover this particular motorbike stunt show
I got to see it, but sadly from behind a lot of heads
so getting good photos were out of the question
As for a motor expo, there weren't much motors to look at
most of the photos of the event, I've seen this:
and this being highly rated as these were import models
(and I was referring to the girl not the bike)

Because of the lack of interest in the evcent,
decided to check out another event going on in Shah Alam
the information were sketchy at best
and when we arrived,
it was as the theme of the day went, disappointing
I was interested that it looked more like precision driving
than drifting as advertised...
and also that instead of solo rounds like in GRA,
the cars go head to head in opposite directions
After a few disappointing runs
(as only one or two drivers were impressive)
and we headed for a late lunch

so with all the rain, our only option to salvage the day,
is to try and make the most of the motoXpo..
so more on this another time..
but if you were me,
wouldn't you feel a little let down to?
especially with such a way to start the day?

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