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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Bangkok: Chatuchak Weekend Market

 How much Chat can a chatuchak if a chat tu chak tu chak?...
lame…I know,
but seriously what is up with this place…

It is like the spawn of Sungei Wang Plaza and Pasar Seni on drugs!
If you’re looking to buy something, this is most probably the place. 



even ice cream... I think(?)


scented candles, 
 traditional clothings
(with no changing rooms)

and ornaments, 

the odd doohickeys ,
and even animals (where photography/videography is NOT allowed).

 You want it, it can be found… 
at a low low low price of… 
how well you can bargain.

Seriously the place seems to go on and on and on. 
When you think you’ve reached the end, 
you find that there are more pathways that do not look familiar.

If Gretel was here, she’d used up all her breadcrumbs and still be lost.
And for a place so organised (it is mostly divided into categories), 
the pathways are insane. 
Sometimes it is just an endless straight path. 
Then a fork in the path can pop up.

Which isn’t so bad, until it brunches out to 4 different directions. 
You could go left, right, or straight left, straight right.
But no matter which way you go it looks like an endless path.

With the lack of recognisable landmarks,
good luck trying to navigate your way around the place, 

even with a map. 
Unless you resort to using a compass like this genius chap.

The only change in the landscape of endless mazes is this clock tower…
I have no idea what it is doing in the middle of a weekend market.
But unless you’re at the clearing, 
there is no way to know which direction it is anyway.

but is a nice place to put your feet up

 and take a breather

A Few things caught my attention. 
First is that running through the market is a vehicle lane. 
That caught my attention from my friends post on Bangkok
which was why I had to make a trip to Chatuchak. 

The second is this goshdarn cute chopstick holder doohickey. 
Thought I'd get it later.. 
but of course I never found my way back there...
I was probably too enthralled with the colours

and the weird doohickeys

 and they have everything...
even flying pigs
even the pretty ladies :)

if you happen to be in Bangkok,
Chatuchak weekend market is a must visit
for the sights,
 the people,
and if you came for the shopping...
come well prepared

How to get there from Khao San:
Take bus 511 (13 baht) to Victory Monument

then switch to the BTS 
(you'll have to cross the road and walk a bit)
and take it to the end of the line at Mo Chit (25 baht)
Once there, just look for the signs to Chatuchak market...
and eventually you'll come across shop like rows...
which is then the start of the maze known 
as Chatuchak weekend market
If you can also take a detour through the park
It is slightly longer but cooler and more relaxing
with more greenary,
and less vehicles...
 All in all an easy and cheap way to enjoy your weekend

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