
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Chiang Mai: Renting a Motor

There are many ways to get around Thailand, 
One of my preferred modes of transport is the motorcycle...
A little dangerous in the bigger cities but quite freeing in the smaller ones

A Little research would show that S.T. Motor comes highly recommended
 After my visit there, I know why
They have a wide selection, good rates
and very professional in their dealings
Even the contract they get you to sign
and explaining the clauses and in case of emergencies

Finding them is very easy as well,
Following the address may be more confusing
especially for visitors such as myself...
It is easy if you can find your way to the clocktower...
if you can see it like this...
the road and shop is just behind you
 And in case you can still miss it,
the address may be helpful with a GPS
527/5-6 Banphaprakan Rd
Chiang Rai.

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