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Monday, 10 February 2014

Horsing Around

Happy Chinese New Year!
It's already day 11 I happy belated!
(ok ok if you want to be PC,
Happy Lunar New Year)
Most of the New Year has been pretty quiet...
while up and about this weekend,
I came across this Dragon Dance in progress...

Always preferred this to Lion Dances...
It is more movement,
and prettier looking to me

Decided to look around...
dropped by Fahrenheit a while
 Nice little horsey....
good for the year of the horse...

 Walked across the street to Pavillion
they had pretty deco
 Can't get away from the horses either...
but I liked the sign in the 3rd photo below...
no riding the horses..
 all the bright colours and lights
made my head go round and round...
oh wait... that was the roundabout

then noticed the crowd gathering...
 then we saw the group practising and getting things ready
 It was a no brainer to stick around
and watch the acrobatics in action
 of course the crowd came for more than the entertainment...
the free oranges and sweets went over well 

How has your New Years been so far?

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