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Tuesday, 1 February 2022

CNY day 1: IC IV

Gong Hey Fatt Choy... Happy CNY 2022.

As mentioned in the recent post, I had joined two different photoshoots recently.

As always this blog is just a place to dump my photos and going to work my way backwards to clear the queue.

So lastly but not least is Ivy. Sweet girl but since it was last in a long shooting day did not get much done. We were all wet and tired.

I even had many issues while shooting... I got a few photo's overexposed due to changes in my camera settings. Surprisingly managed to salvage some of the photo's thanks to the magic of digital darkroom. It would become the theme of the day for many photo's... 

As a group we agreed that she looked better in the qipao she had worn at the start of the day which is why she changed midway through the shoot but in the end we spent more time moving locations than shooting her in the outfit. 

A pity but at that point I was too tired to care. Was just looking forward to getting some sleep after all that. But at least I could sleep soundly with a smile on my face.


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