
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Wednesday, 31 October 2018


It has been a long time since I've been to this annual event.

I have had fond memories 
being with friends and meeting new people
This year I wasn't really planning to go for it

but I had some free time so I dropped by.

I so happen to be there for the model shooting competition...
With the possibility of winning an Oppo phone,
I took some photos.... hopefully I have a winner...

Once again I was reminded why I hate public events..
majority of people at these events are either ignorant or worse still inconsiderate
 Some of them are so engrossed with looking or taking photos that they forget that there are other people around them who also want to see or take photo.

As for the photography fair itself was a little disappointing
as there didn't seem to be a lot to look at in the booths...
maybe I wasn't looking for anything so nothing really caught my eye

The talk schedule looked pretty good 
but since I hadn't planned to be there
I hadn't given the schedule a proper look.
The few I caught was by accident
 it was inspiring to see new places and sights.

It was good though to bump into people I hadn't seen in a long time
guess it has been that long I have been out of the photographers circles..

Was surprised at one of the YL booths they had a sort of photoshoot...
Was a good way to show off their lights...

 I don't really get the coloured lights but it is something that is becoming a useful tool


 I don't regret dropping by
but I do wish I could have attended some of the photography talks
maybe next year....



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