
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

MotoGP: It ain't all bad

Sometimes when one thing goes wrong, it all seems to go wrong...
Since I had time on my hands, I decided to visit MotoGP in Sepang International Circuit

The first problem was I wasn't feeling well the whole night
Got up late and by the time I dragged my feet out of bed, it was lunch time.
After some food, I finally get on my way.

I thought it being so late, already traffic should be smooth
I couldn't be more wrong.
Getting to the road was smooth flowing...
Then came this....

 to say the least it was slow moving.
One could walk just as fast.
took over an hour to move 2 km.
sigh.... eventually I was just over 1 km away, I decided to find a good place to park.

I so happen to drive into an area where the ground was soften from the rain
As goes my luck the more I tried to manoeuvre but the more I moved, the deeper I sunk
I even sacrificed my light stand box to get some traction beneath.

Then out of the blue, I had a kindly gentleman come over and volunteered to help me push.
His kindly effort was unfortunately in vain.
All it got him was fatigue and mud all over his pants.
Suddenly I get a knock on my window... another kindly stranger asks me to wind down the window.
I wondered what he wanted to say.... instead he grips hard and starts pulling...
Soon I had four kind souls helping to pull and tug while I reversed the car to get out...
and just like that I was out, and before I could thank these kindly men, they had dispersed as well.

Unfortunately these men were an indication that the races were over
as my 20 minutes walk to the track grounds gave me a bad feeling as I see wave and waves of spectators leaving or waiting for the traffiic to ease...

 It was as I feared.... most of the event was indeed over
besides the race being over, the booths were packing up...
I took a quick round to see what was still left....

So what was the point of this long rant?
Despite how everything seemed to be wrong and get worse....
Despite even after all the crowds dispersed, the traffic caused me to miss family dinner
Despite spending more than 3 hours driving, 45 minutes walking and less than an hour to see everything packing up...
I was glad for the day.

I was reminded how despite the rudeness of urban life,
there are still good souls out there that do not expect any repayment
I was so touched that people saw my struggle, and without prompting stepped in to help out
it could have ended so differently with me being stuck and having to call a tow truck and missing out on all the packing... I mean coming all that way just to call a tow truck....

This was a gentle reminder that despite how bad things get, there are some things in life are still good.
A reminder that something a kind gesture is able to do more good that you can realise.
So here's hoping that if you read this, to go out and pay it forward.
Put more good out into the galaxy, just because it could change someone's life...
you never know where the effect of your actions may reach.

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