
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Monday, 25 February 2019

WARNING: Low Batt.

Happy New Year.
How has the year of the pig been treating every one of you?

Mine has been a whirlwind of activity....
and sometimes it takes a speed bump on the road of life to stop and take a look back.

My bump came in the form of a non starting car....
It was a normal Sunday, and I parked in Central Park, next to 1 Utama in Bandar Utama.
It is usually a busy place with children and dogs
and sometimes a flurry of activities.

After dinner, I walk to my car and find that the car remote wasn't unlocking the car.
I manually open the car door and try to start the car...
Oh great.... the battery must be dead....
unfortunately the only dead was how wrong I was .......
it was more a case of MIA than dead....

a quick google search will reveal how easy it is for theives to steal car batteries from specific cars...
in my case is a Malaysian made proton....
apparently it can be done in under 2 minutes....
they just pop the hood from the driver side front wheel and just unscrew and remove the battery

As to why anyone would want to do that...
I have no idea....
for RM20 for changing in old batteries?... is it worth getting caught?
apparently they thought so....

So if you're are reading this... I hope it is before such a thing happens to you.....

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