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Sunday, 3 March 2019

Crusing in Manila

What could be more relaxing than a river cruise?
The wind in your hair, the fresh air filling your lungs
Who would have thought that a river cruise could be found right in the middle of Manila
This cruise goes down the Pasay river.

Unfortunately due to the lack of care...this river has garnered a reputation.
 it is notorously associated with the rotting garbage 
and the accomopanying smells that come with it
 This also encouraged the growth of some kind of water weeds... 
despite it being a green plant, I am pretty sure it isn't great for the ecosystem.

Maybe it is because of its reputation, or the lack of awareness,
 the river ferry that traverses the river is underutilised.
It is such a pity as I have read that authorities have tried clearing up the river
and this form of transport is a great way to get around the road traffic problems.

Having come across little information about it, 
I decided to try it for myself. 
With a little research it is easy to find where to board and deboard...
On my first trip, I asked the taxi to drop me at Mexico Plaza, 
the station at the end of the line...
As expected he also did not know the station location and dropped me somewhere else...
thankfully was still in the same area... I managed to find it in the end...
Again it is a pity those photos died with my hard disk...

At a later time however I managed to sit on the ferry again..
This time in the opposite direction...
From makati I went in search of the Guadalupe station... not as easy as I thought it'd be
not much signage and locals either didn't understand my question or sincerely didn't know.

Most logically route was to first find the Pasig river...
and armed with my maps and GPS... head in the direction of the station
Again the lack of signage confused me...
I wasn't even sure if I had arrived at the right place...
Thankfully the people inside were helpful and informative...
and soon I had ticket in hand
and boarded...
waiting for the adventure to continue....

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