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Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sense Or Sheep

Censorship in Malaysia has come a long way since my childhood days...
no longer are movies mercilessly butchered, all the wrong words silenced and there actually are differences between an 18 rated show and rated U....
and yet sometimes I wonder how far have we really come?...
have the censors really became wiser or just desensitised....
and then I come across this....
was out with the sheep watching a movie in GSC...
and of course the was the need to have the religious experience of the post movie bladder relief...
Even though this movie has been out a while, this is the first time I've seen this ad....
while admiring all the Photochopping on the poster (I don't think any of them look like themselves)
I noticed something about Sarah Jessica Parker ...
upon closer inspection.... I read
If censorship's job is to protect fragile minds before they're prepared...
isn't drawing their attention to certain anatomy counter productive?....
How Malaysian of them...

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