
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

After the night

Conitnued from part 1...

In the end we didn't have long to shoot as there was waiting around
breakfast and cuz they had to leave early too...
but all in all still quite satisfied with the photos...

The oddest thing is I realised how small the world can be sometimes..
Today alone through my students, current and former,
there has been connection with the girls I meet through photography
one is a dating a cousin of a current student...
and more surprisingly
one of the girls invited to shoot was dating a former student...
it's a small world after all.

Anyway due to the change in time and location,
decided on the nearest place I could think of available to shoot,
the abandon house in Taman Maluri
The saddest fact is that even an abandon building can be defaced
one of the things I liked about the place was it had nice graffiti..

but there are idiots who even want to deface that...
in the end had to just capture the bearable parts

but is ok.. more focus on the subjects

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