
event (128) How to get there (11) travels (91)

Monday, 14 November 2011

OLD POST: Betong: Around Town

Even though I've had a few sporadic posts about Betong 
I've been meaning to actually jot down some thoughts about the place. 

As per my routine at a new place, the first thing to look for is a place for the night... I had heard that it was not cheap staying here though I found a few budget places online but had trouble finding the place without a map.
I did manage to find the famously name Jackie Chan hotel... though it didn't look open...
and I even found hotels I didn't see listed.. but hello hotel sounds nice
 Anyway at the end of the day I settled for the old Sri Betong hotel.
for a single room at BHT500 it's pretty comfy though small.
The only odd thing I discovered at the place were these feathers... 
not sure if it was from some ritual or kinky acts from the previous tenant...
either that or was used as a chicken coup?...

By the way, I mentioned it is the old Sri Betong hotel because two doors away is the newer hotel
The room rate is BHT850 a night.. 
Getting around Betong is pretty simple...
you can actually walk around as the main city square is about 10 minutes walking distance each way.
Of course as it is with anywhere else in Thailand, a tut tut gets you where you want to go...
but the economical way is usually a motor...
but this is my first time that I actually rent the motorcycle to drive myself..
Betong is also known for its food... And since it's so close to Malaysia, 
there is a mix of food from both cultures...
For bikers and people like me, Betong holds many interesting places
There are still quite a few places that I've yet to discover..
I kept seeing this sign for an ancient wall... 
but after 10 minutes of driving,
the signs stopped... so either I passed it and it just looked like a wall,
or I took a wrong turn somewhere

One of the best things about Betong in my opinion
is the fact that there is a small hill right next to the town centre...

and running through it is the only vehicle tunnel in Thailand
On top of the hill is an interesting builing..
I thought it was some kind of palace or something
and through the doorway, up the stairs
and through the hallway
and I came out in front...
realising that it is suppose to be a museum?!?
it's not like any I've ever seen before.
but whatever the case the view from up there is awesome

and it's a great place for outdoor activities and chilling
which I found the locals did... like this aerobics session

and it certainly was easing to see
also came across this old building
I had no idea what is it suppose to be but the deco was interesting
with great spots to chill
and of course filled with reminders that I'm still in Thailand
One thing I discovered about Betong (and Thailand in general)
is that statues play a big part in the culture...
even in culture centre's
you get this eye catching scultures
and which fountain is complete without fishes
or what garden is complete without...
urm dinosaurs(??)
and giant chickens?
which made me wonder, what was the symbolism of the chickens..
could it be to symbolise what the town is famous for...
which also made me wonder...
how on earth did such an animal 
become associated with the oldest profession in asian cultures?

An interesting part about Betong is that the geography
brings about various influences
from chinese
and their own great wall..
to of course their own religious places
be it buddhist
or muslim

All in all I really liked Betong town
and riding around on the rented bike is one of my favourite memories
but unless I have a group getaway,
I don't know what reasons I have to visit again...

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