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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Bangkok: Isn't it Ironic?

 Even as I type this out, Alanis Morisette's Ironic plays in my mind.
A group of KL-ians decide to play it safe and avoid the floods in Bangkok,
only to face more flood waters than they would have seen any where in Bangkok.

Perhaps it is true that these are signs of the end of the world, 
when the world itself starts rejecting its inhabitants 
who have blantanly abused and taken her for granted.
And I would imagine that Mother Nature, like any woman, is a vengeful 31+c I-1

Anyhow let me share with you what little of the after effects 
of the floodings that ravaged the poor folks outside of Bangkok
I caught a glimpse of their suffering as I took a train coach,
a pretty comfortable ride I must say.
but forgive the poor photo quality as it was all shot through the windows

I was sadden to see how their lives were disrupted 

 even the animals had a challenging time
 but touched by the resilience of the people

 They've found ways to get on with their lives
without any signs of self pity
and some even take advantage of the additional waters
(too bad I missed the monk who was meditating on a similar block
thought it was rather unusual)

but kind of hard to catch certain scenes when they're passing by 
at a rate of 60-100 kmph
I was surprised though that there were people still parking their cars on bridges
but of course it is better than the alternative
And that was my brief experience with the floods
as I viewed through the safety of my window
as we passed through the northern parts of outer Bangkok
I just hope their lives can resume soon and more than that
their livelihood can be restored
we can only pray...

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