
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Monday, 9 April 2012

Bangkok: Hualamphong to Khao San

 After 17 hours on the train,
the last thing you want is to wander around aimlessly...
As with any backpacker to Bangkok,
the first place to head to is  Thanon  Khao San...

So as you arrive in Hualamphong station,
After you admire the huge interior with the colonial designs

 head out to the front exit
 you'll come across the taxi stand
where you can easily grab a taxi to Khao San
(I'm told is about 60 baht)
 but unfortunately at the moment there's no route nearby on the MRT
because as you turn left at the exit you'd come across the Hua Lamphong stop
(though I've read that there are plans to 
 But as you pass the MRT station and step into daylight,
you'll find yourself at a tuk tuk stop,

and as you turn left...
and walk straight til the corner,
you'd see that you've walked nearly around the whole station
(the side entrance is seen here on the right)
 and as you round the corner (turn left again)
you'll come across some more taxi drivers
and this sign that tells you where you are...
which is where you should be waiting...
and can take in the sights...
but as soon as you see bus 53,
get a moving as there is no clear bus stop,
thus the bus does more of a pause then a stop...
 once on board, you'd meet the nicest conductors...
even though most do not speak proper English,
they will understand Khao San and will help tell you where to get off
 Of course make sure you have small change to pay
the 6.50 baht (yes..! 0.50 baht.. it exists... though hardly used)
and in exchange they will give you ticket 
which they will impressively tear using the coin holder
(the rainbow coloured thing on the left)

After about half an hour,
The conductor indicated to me that this is my stop...
and I stepped off to find myself a little lost...

but later I discovered that I was dropped off at Thanon Phra Athit
If you don't intend to stay at Thanon Khao San proper,
this road actually has quite a few nice spots
and easy going cafes...

 But for those who need directions to Thanon Khao San,
if you can see the Thara house, there is a turning on the right before that..
Follow the path straight til you reach a main road, 
turn left and the first turning on the right is Khao San
Unfortunately I have no photos to show as I was blindly finding my way
and just as unfortunate there are no signs to tell you when you are at Khao San
But for those who are daring...
Chokh dī krap.. (good luck!)

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