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Thursday, 23 August 2018

Seems Reap

I can't believe it has been nearly 6 years
maybe I'm just getting old...
but instead of enjoying the whole Angkor Wat temple thing,
I found myself falling in love with the quiet little city
Instead of just being a place to lay my head...
it somehow captured my heart as well.

I don't really know if I can put a finger on what I like about the place.
The food, though not bad, isn't that great.
They even had their own (chinese?) fast food...

Some people really got happy over their pizza
but I didn't seem to be affected by it.

Wasn't a big fan of pub street.
Was a small area but not as much life as I expected.
(not that I am into the night life)

Perhaps the reason was simply the same reason why this was my favourite place in Siem Reap
Despite it being a major city.
There is beauty and serenity
Modernization hasn't over run tradition and culture just yet.
How long this would last, I cannot tell...
I can only hope that the next time I see her...
Siem Reap would have still retained her beauty.

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