
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Monday, 24 September 2018

Mending D rift


Day 1 of Velocity Motorshow.

It has been a long time since I have regularly attended events.
Not sure why. Probably a combination of work life and changing landscape of events in Malaysia.

Whichever the case is, I just acquired a second hand camera to replace the outdated and out of focus EOS 40D. I love the camera but there isn't much choice there... even Canon doesn't support the camera any more. Can't even get it fixed.

It is a big adjustment getting used to the newer camera. What better way than at a car event.
It has really been a while since I've attended one of these. In the weeks leading up to this Malaysia Day weekend event, there seemed to be a lot more chatter on my facebook and maybe I just so happen to notice it. Didn't seem anything out of the ordinary, but then the advertisement for drift event caught my attention.

I am honestly not much of a car junkie... Just like my cameras, I only take notice of it when I use it. Otherwise it is nice to see but why obsess over things I cannot have.

Drifting is one of those car events I love to witness and photograph.
Don't really know how to judge who wins one of these,
 but I enjoy seeing the cars speed down at neck breaking speeds,
and swing as they slide around corners,
  The smell of burning rubber as they wrestle to remain in control....
the trailing car trying to keep close without both ending in the scrap yard
 without playing it too safe and letting the leader get away.

Drifting has it all....
Speed, the thrill of the chase, action, excitement, stimulants for the senses...
what more could you want in a sport.

Unfortunately leading up the weekend, I had not come across any schedule of events.
I only finished work after 4 p.m. leading me to arrive after 5 p.m., having never been to the place before and parking being as difficult as it was.

Just as I find the venue, my eyes are greeted with the sight of smoke from burning rubber, and my ears filled with the sound of tyres grinding the road. As soon as I park and arm myself with my gear, I head to the ticketing booth which was a disaster of its own making (I'll elaborate at a later time).
But as soon as I get my ticket, I enter the doors and head straight in the general direction of the track.

The track area was not designed for spectators, and so everyone just crowded around the barriers.
Thankfully I managed to find a spot around the 1st corner, and planted myself there.
It had been so long since I shot motorsports... I wondered in my aging hands had what it took to get a clean shot. Unlike track racing, cars don't really have time to hit top speeds nor do they stay on a fixed course for very long. This just adds to the challenge in capturing a good image. 

I knew this would mean I would need low shutter and small appertures. 
Expecting to be as if nothing has changed over the years, I set my camera to shoot at 1/30th of a second, with f8-11. Surprisingly this was a close enough estimate but of course I have more blur shots then sharp images..

There wasn't much time to check the images and make adjustments because as soon as they completed one race, the cars switched roles and the green flag was raised, signaling it was clear for them to go again.

Just as I was getting my groove on,...
things suddenly came to a halt. 

I had no idea what was happening...
Being in an open air location, the sound wasn't that great from the emcee.
All I could make out was that was the end of the semi finals...

What...? they are going to complete it on the first day?
and I almost missed it...!

As the sun begins to set,
I kind of figure out that the finals is going to begin after 7.30 p.m.
It was going to be dark. 
I don't know how the drivers are going to pull it off
and I didn't know if the camera could capture usable images.

The break gave me time to get a quick walk around of the carshow grounds
It was pretty sizable place and compact. 
This would be a problem later on....

After the parade, the finals eventually got on its way.
It was challenging getting the right settings and was a struggle to get nice images.
I didn't even know if shooting at ISO 3200 was usable. 
I was still glad though as the races were more evenly matched and exciting.
With some spit fire action added in to boot...
The action was breath taking...
With some very close calls..

 Great way to end the night as the drivers battle it out.
What better way was there to welcome in Malaysia Day 2018.

I looked forward to what else was in store from VMS over the next two days.

Luckily that night I came across the events timetable.
Would have been more helpful if I had known earlier... but glad I didn't miss out on the drift. 

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