
How to get there (11) event (128) travels (91)

Friday, 31 August 2018

Preah Vihear: Feeling on top of the world

Despite the challenges getting here,
I had yet to reach my destination.

It was not difficult finding a motorbike to take me there (for the right price of course)
The road there was not difficult with personal transportation.

The ride up early in the morning was serene and peaceful.
Not what one would expect from a place at the centre of a violent dispute.

Thanks to the driver, there was not much bumps in the road..
except the bumps in the road.

After paying the entrance fee and a 15 minutes ride we arrive at the entrance to the temple grounds.

Not really an exciting welcome...
but after the many months of planning and anticipation,
I was feeling excited at what I would find.
After making sure the driver would be waiting when I exit, I begin the climb up the slopes to the temple.
Again nothing exciting
But the serenity and casual walk was a stark contrast to Angor Wat which felt like going to war just to get a good view of the place.
The ruins adds to the mystery of the place and without a guide, I could only wonder the significance of each location.
The first sign of a temple is not very encouraging as it is clear that some rebuilding needed to be done thanks to the years of conflict and bombings.

It was intriguing to see the carving in the stones...
would be nice to have a translator at that moment.

Wasn't too impressive yet.
But having the place all to myself felt so freeing.

The further I ventured the more interesting the ruins became...
Curiouser and curiouser!
What are these holes for?
Were these beams just a temporary support or were there plans to actually rebuild?

My mind was distracted of its questions as I begin to notice the surroundings.
What a grand view just at its doorstep.
Though there was no one to welcome me...
Mother nature was doing a good job in making up for it.
It was such a welcoming and an intriguing sight
 I wondered if this was the Khmer style or is it clearly showing foreign influence.

Every pathway seems to lead to somewhere beautiful.
I couldn't wait to traverse them all.

I couldn't wait to see what greeted me around every corner.
up every stairs... in every doorway.

The combination of nature and these ancient ruins was truly a sight to behold.
My favourite being the trees that grew out of these sacred sites.
I've seen similar structures in Angkor, but here I had the opportunite to take it all in.
It was like it was my very own playground..
I was free to frolic and to explore

Every once in a long while I'd catch the sight of another living being...
but that would still be only once in a very long while.
The final location was the most breath taking....
Located at the cliff,
the view was indead breath taking, 

In an age where solitude and nature is hard to come by
Preah Vihear does it so effortlessly.

 It was sad to see so much of the place in ruins...
(I am sure by now much of the repair work is underway)
but without these ruins, I wouldn't be here...
I wonder now, if it had been preserved in a good state
would it have been over run with tourists?
would I ever get the opportunity to wander the beautiful walkways
connecting with nature?

This place left a great impression on my heart and mind...
it will forever be etched in my memory as one of the best adventures I've ever had...
So if you have come across this post because you were wondering if Preah Vihear is worth a trip...
I would say a big YES.... 
why bother with Angkor Wat when Preah Vihear has all the history and more beauty?


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